A Research based dissucssion on Istawa alal -Al-Arsh in the light of Tafseer kabeer


  • Hazrat Umar PhD Scholar, Department of Islamic Theology, ICP, Peshawar
  • Dr. Nisar Muhammad Ex Professor, Department of Department of Islamic Theology, ICP, Peshawar
  • Dr. Salim ur Rahman Associate Professor, Department of Islamic Theology, ICP, Peshawar


The tafseer, mafateeh ul ghaib, of Imam Fakhr Ud Din Al Razi (544-606ah) is one of the selected tafaaseer in the world all over, which has been enjoying an international repute for quite long period. This tafseer is known as the masterpiece of uloom e islamia. In this article the tafseer has been highlighted in the problems of mutashabihaat (that which is not known by anyone except allah). There are two types of the verses of the holy quran, known as muhkamaat and mutashabihaat. Muhkamaat is obligatory for belief and action whereas mutashabihat is only for having iman (belief) on it. Afterward some people started the explanation and the ummah went astray. Therefore the religious scholars have given comprehensive explanation in their tafaseers. Imam al razi has given intellectuals and logical arguments in his tafseer at different places about this issue and tried his level best to make it understandable to reason and intellect. The strayed and unfounded ideas have been addressed effectively. This dissertation reflects   the rational arguments of imam al razi supported by quran, hadith and other relevant materials.


علی بن محمد الجرجانی، كتاب التعريفات ، دار الكتب العلمیۃ بيروت ، 1983ء

Ali Bin Muhammad Jurjani, Kitab ul Tarifat, Darul Kutabal Ilmiya, Beruit, 1983

سعید احمدپالنپوری، تحفۃ الالمعی7: 152، زمزم پبلشرز کراچی ، 2009ء

Saeed Ahmad Palunpori, Tukhfatul Umm’ie, Zamzam Publisher, Karachi, 2009, Vol:7, Page: 152

سورۃ الاخلاص112 :1

Surah Al-Ikhlas 112: 1

سورۃ الحاقۃ69: 17

Surah Al-Haaqa 69: 17

سورۃ محمد47: 38

Surah Muhammad 47: 38

سورۃ الشعراء26: 23

Surah Al-Shoraa 26: 23

سورۃ الدخان44: 7

Surah Al-Dukhan 44: 7

سورۃ الشعراء26: 26

Surah Al-Shoraa 26: 26

سورۃ الشعراء26: 28

Surah Al-Shoraa 26: 28

سورۃ غافر40: 36- 37

Surah Ghafir 40: 36-37

سورۃ الأنفال8: 11

Surah Al-Anfaal 8: 11

سورۃ الأنعام6: 3

Surah Al-Anaam 6: 3

سورۃ الأنعام6: 14

Surah Al-Anaam 6: 14

سورۃ آل عمران3: 3

Surah Al-Imran 3: 3

محمد بن محمد الزبیدی ، تاج العروس 17: 251، دارالہدایۃ (س۔ن)

Muhammad Bin Muhammad Al-Zabaidi, Tajul Uroos, Daral Hidaya, Unkwon, Vol: 17, Page: 251

نفس مصدر


محمد بن یزید،الکامل فی اللغۃ والأدب4: 42، دارالفکر العربی القاہرۃ ، 1997ء

Muhammad Bin Yazid, Al-Kamil fi Lugha wal Adab, Daral Fikaral Arabi, Cario, 1997, Vol: 4, Page: 42

منصوربن الحسین ،نثرا لدر فی المحاضرات4: 62، دار الکتب العلمیہ، بیروت، 2004ء

Munsoor Bin Hussain, Nasaral Durar fil Mokhdirat, Daral Kutabal Ilmiya, Beurit, 2004, Vol: 4, Page: 62

سورۃ یونس10: 3

Surah Younas 10: 3

تفسیر مفاتیح الغیب 5: 267-271

Tafseer Mafatekhul Ghaib, Vol: 5, Page: 267-271

نفس مصدر


عبد السلام ندوی ، امام رازی: 93،اردو پبلشر، لاہور ، 2007

Abdul Sallam Nadvi, Imam Razi, Urdu Publisher, Lahore, 2007, Page: 93

امام رازی ،تفسیر کبیر4: 212، مکتبہ رشیدیہ، کوئٹہ پاکستان(س۔ن)

Imam Razi, Tafseer Kabir, Maktaba Rashidiya, Quetta, Unknown, Vol: 4, Page: 212

کتاب الاربعین فی اصول الدین: 40

Kitabal Arbaieen fi Usool Uddin, Page: 40


