Motives, Trends, Modern Forms of Materialism and It’s Solution: An Analysis in the Light of Islamic Teachings


  • Abdul Raouf NUML-Islamabad
  • Riaz Ahmad Saeed Asst. Professor , Department of Islamic Studies


This paper tries to explain the essence of the concept of Materialism, by reviewing the definition and history, which at this time will review the opinions of Islam and different philosophers. It will point out modern trends of Materialism, its Motives, Modern forms and its solution especially. Association between materialism and life satisfaction is somewhat more complicated as it simply appears. People, usually, use their own set of standards in arriving at overall appraisals of their lives. Overall evaluation of life could be influenced by numerous factors such as religious affiliations, income, possessions, property, health, social support, attitudes, etc. The main thrust for this research has been the belief that materialism has adverse effects on a person's life, while religiosity and gratitude mediate relations between these two aspects of life.  At the end of the analysis will be presented that how should a Muslim respond to the concept of materialism. It concludes with results and some proposals.

KEYWORDS: Materialism, Motives, Trends, Modern Forms, Solution. Islamic Teachings


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۔ القیامہ: ۲

Surah Al-Qiyama 75: 2

۔ النساء: ۱۲۰

Surah Al-Nisa 4: 120

۔ البقرہ:۶۷

Surah Al-Baqarah 2: 268

۔ السمر قندی ، ابولیث نصر بن محمد،بحرالعلوم ، (بیروت،دار الکتب العلمیہ، ۱۴۱۳ھ)ص:۱/۱۷۸

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۔الاعلی ؛۱۶۔۱۷

Surah Al-Aala 87: 16-17

الحجرات: ۱۳

Surah al Hujrat;13

السمر قندی ، ابولیث نصر بن محمد،بحرالعلوم ، ۳/۳۲۹

Samarqandi , Abu laith Nasr bin mHmd , Bahr ul umum, 3/329

۔الھود: ۸۷

Surah Hood 11: 87

۔ النور: ۱۹

Surah Al-Noor 24: 19

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Al-Tirmazi, Muhammd bin Isa, al-Sunan ( Riadh: Darusslam, 2016), Hadith no. 695

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۔البقرۃ: ۲۰۸

Surah Al-Baqrah 2:208

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Insan Mada Paristi aur Islam, Page: 36

الاعلیٰ: ۸۷

Surah Al-Aala 87: 16-17

۔ سید ابوالاعلیٰ ،تنقیحات، ص: 28

Maududi, Tunqihat, P. 28

۔البقرۃ :۱۵۵

Surah Al-Baqarah 2: 155

The Guardian, George Monbiot, 9th Dec, 2013, London. ( › bike-blog › 2013 › dec)14.12.2021

البقرۃ :۱۴۳

Surah Al-Baqarah 2:143

مسلم بن حجاج ، الجامع الصحیح ، صفات المنافقین، حدیث: 2784

Imam Muslim, Sahih Muslim, Dar Tauqal Nijat, 1422 H, Hadith (2784)

الحدید : ۵۷

Surah Al-Hadid 57: 21

۔ النازعات : ۷۹

Surah Al-Nazi’at 79: 24

البقرۃ : ۵۸

Surah Al-Baqarah 2: 58

۔ التوبہ: ۵۵

Surah Al-Touba 9: 55

الحدید؛ ۲۰

Surah Al-Hadi 57: 20

( ) ۔سورۃالنساء:۱۶۱

Surah Al-Nisa 4: 161

( ) ۔السباء:۳۵

Surah Saba 34: 35

( ) ۔حم السجدہ؛۱۵

Surah Hamim Al-Sajda 41: 15

( ) ۔ السجستانی، سلمان بن اشعث ،سنن ابوداوٴد ، (لاہور: دار السلام،سال) ، باب ماجاٴ فی ٕطلب الامارہ،حدیث؛۲۹۲۹ ۔

Imam Abu Dawood, Sunan Abu Dawood, Maktaba Darul Sallam, Lahore, 1425 H, Hadith (2929)

( ) ۔الیوسف :۵۵۔

Surah Yousaf 12: 55

امام مسلم بن ججاج ،الجامع الصحیح ،کتاب الایمان ،باب تحریم الکبر وبیانہ، حدیث:۱٦۰۔

Sahih Muslim, Kitabal Iman, Bab Tahrimal Kibre wabyanihi, Hadith (160)

( ) ۔ القصص: ۲۸

Surah Al-Qasas 28: 83

( ) ۔ البانی ، ناصر الدین ،سلسلہ احادیث الصحیحہ، باب الایمان والتوحید، (ریاض ،مکتبہ دارالسلام ،) ح: ۱۴٦

Nasir Uddin Al-Bani, Silsilatul Ahadith Sahiha, Maktaba Darul Sallam, Lahore, 2000, Hadith (146)

( ) النحل : ۷۱

Surah Al-Nahal 16: 71

( ) ۔التین : ۴

Surah Al-Teen 95: 4

( ) ۔ محمد بن عیسی الترمذی، السنن،باب ماجاٴ لو کان لابن آدم وادیان من مال لابتغی ثالثا ،ح :۲۳۳۷

Sunan Timidi, Hadith (2337)

( ) ۔التوبہ:۵۵

Surah Al-Touba 9: 55

( ) ۔طٰہٰ: ۱۳۳

Surah Tahaa 20: 133

( ) ۔الزخرف: ۳۲

Surah Al-Zukhruf 43: 32

( ) ۔البقرہ:۲۸۷

Surah Al-Baqaraha 2: 268

۵۲)۔ الحاکم، محمد بن عبداللہ نیساپوری ،المستدرک علی الصحیحین ،کتاب العلم،ح۳۱۹

Imam Hakim, Al-Mustadrak Ala Sahiheen, Maktaba Darul Ilm, Beurit, 2000, Hadith (319)

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Al-Maseeri, Abdul Wahab, Al-Falsafh Al-Madiyah ( Beruit: Dar ul Fikar,2001), P.17.


Surah Al-Hajj 22: 40

۔ الزاریات: ۱۹

Surah Al-Zariyat 51: 19

۔ الحشر:۷

Surah Al-Hashar 59: 7

۔آل عمران:۱۳۹

Surah Al-Imran 3: 139

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Al-Tabraizi, Muhammad bin Abdullah Khateeb, Mishkat al-Masabeeh , kitab Adab al-Safar , Hadith no. 3925.


Surah Al-Tallaq 65: 2-5


