Advertising Policy

Advertising Policy

Advertising Policy for VFAST Transactions on Mathematics

  1. Independence from Editorial Decisions: All advertisements and commercially sponsored publications in VFAST Transactions on Mathematics remain independent from editorial decisions. The journal does not endorse any product or service marked as an advertisement or sponsored by a third party.

  2. Advertisement Review and Standards: VFAST Transactions on Mathematics reserves the right to decline advertising that could damage the journal's brand or is incongruent with its content. Advertisements for products or services known to be harmful to health, such as tobacco and alcohol, will not be accepted.

  3. Truthfulness and Clarity: Advertisements must be truthful, verifiable, and clearly identify the advertiser and the product or service being offered. Exaggerated or misleading content, including text and artwork, is not permitted.

  4. Content Sensitivity and Withdrawal: Advertisements must not be indecent, offensive, or related to personal, racial, ethnic, sexual orientation, or religious content. Upon request from the Editor(s)-in-Chief or Publisher, advertisements deployed online may be withdrawn from the journal site.

  5. Targeted Campaign Restrictions: Treatment- or drug-specific campaigns cannot be targeted to specific articles or pages related to the advertised product. Advertisers may not link to articles using keywords or target advertising based on article content.

  6. Compliance with Legislation: Advertisements for drug-specific campaigns must comply with relevant European and UK advertising legislation. Advertisers must provide marketing authorization and product characteristics information.

  7. Editorial and Advertising Distinction: Advertisements and editorial content must be clearly distinguishable. Sponsored supplements must be labeled as such, and if applicable, their review process should be explicitly stated.

  8. Editorial Independence: Editorial decisions are not influenced by sponsors or advertisers, and marketing decisions do not affect editorial processes.

  9. Adverse Advertisement Requests: Requests for advertisements outside standard positions require approval from the editorial team within two business days.

  10. Complaints Handling: Complaints regarding advertisements should be directed to

Advertising Standards Authorities:

  • Complaints about published medicines advertisements are investigated by the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) and are monitored for compliance with British Codes of Advertising and Sales Promotion.
  • The Prescription Medicines Code of Practice Authority (PMCPA) considers complaints about prescription medicines advertising under the ABPI Code of Practice for the Pharmaceutical Industry.

Note: This policy is effective as of 10/02/2024.

For further information or inquiries, please contact us at the Journal Contact Information.