Media Exposure and Breast Self-examination: Advancing O-S-R-O-R Model in Health Context


  • Andleeb Ikhlaq Institute of Communication Studies, University of Punjab, Lahore
  • Muhammad Ans Faculty of Media and Communication Studies, University of Central Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan



Adopting the Orientation-Stimulus-Reasoning-Orientation-Response (O-S-R-O-R) model of communication effects, this study explores the relationship between media exposure and breast self-examination through the mediating role of interpersonal communication and breast cancer awareness. To carry out this research, an online survey of (N = 352) female university students was conducted. Findings through structural equation modeling reveal that media exposure is significantly associated with breast self-examination through interpersonal communication. Additionally, exposure to breast cancer media is also indirectly related to breast self-examination via awareness. The results also showed that mass media and interpersonal networks of communication can be utilized to create awareness, change human behavior and encourage women to adopt screening techniques. Implications, limitations, and suggestions for future research are discussed.


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How to Cite

Ikhlaq, A., & Ans, M. (2021). Media Exposure and Breast Self-examination: Advancing O-S-R-O-R Model in Health Context. VFAST Transactions on Education and Social Sciences, 9(4), 28–35.