Anatomizing Words beyond Gender: A Composite Study on Pakistani Motivational Speeches


  • Aqsa Arshad Department of English, University Sargodha, Sargodha, Pakistan
  • Mussarat Azher Department of English, University Sargodha, Sargodha, Pakistan
  • Sana Nawaz Department of English, University Sargodha, Sargodha, Pakistan
  • Shaista Hassan Department of English, University Sargodha, Sargodha, Pakistan



The present research article aims to explore the way ideologies are construed and influenced by gender in the oral discoursesof male, female and transgender people. The majority of the people in Pakistan are trapped under the so-called rift which serves in strengthening a sociobiological gendered identity, rather than ideological construal. Therefore, underlying semiotic modalities realizing a perspective are pertinent to be explored for unfolding discursive strategies for constructing ‘performative gendered identities.’ It is widely acknowledged that oral discourse, motivational speeches in particular are the most effective tool to construct and circulate a reality. This paper aims at exploring if the words, concepts, and ideologies are an item of sexual orientation or that of a foreboding human intellect as construed in oral discourses and how gender identities are engraved on the minds through lexical outlines. The data comprises of three Motivational speakers’ (Muniba Mazari, Julie Khan, and Qasim Ali Shah) transcribed oral discourses, in the Pakistani context. Drawing on Register Analysis (Halliday, & Hasan, 1989), and particularly Gender Performativity (Judith Butler, 2011), it examines whether lexical items have any gender-specific criteria of thought processes that construe a particular graph-line on behalf of gender and lexical and ideological mainframe to normalize a particular sociocultural identity. The findings suggest that the intriguing intricacies of oral discourses could be successfully examined through analyzing linguistic patterns and that the ideologies construe the performative identity of both speaker and lexical strain, besides gender. The sociocultural positioning could be norm-conforming but the loophole in social computational norm is to get settled yet. The findings also provide insightful implications for discourse analysis based on Register Analysis by contributing explorations of the lexical aura of ideologies.

Author Biography

Sana Nawaz, Department of English, University Sargodha, Sargodha, Pakistan

I am phd scholar at lincoln university college malaysia.


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How to Cite

Arshad, A., Azher, M., Nawaz, S., & Hassan, S. (2022). Anatomizing Words beyond Gender: A Composite Study on Pakistani Motivational Speeches. VFAST Transactions on Education and Social Sciences, 10(2), 103–113.


